Harris Deller's work is anthropomorphic and influenced by Cycladic figurines, reliquary guardians and the space found within the ceramic vessel. He has a keen interest inproportional relationships, balance and theinconsistencies that are created. His work is informedby anomalies that occur through process, and pays attention to what deviates from the planned. Line, geometric form, basic color,pattern and repetition, along witha strong affinity for precision,abstraction and the marking of time make up his visual vocabulary, standingas a metaphor for fertility, fecundity and the contradictionsof life.
Sculptural vessel. 3-stack form with concentric arcs and steel stand. Wheel thrown and altered porcelain, incised and inlayed with black glaze.
14" height
7" width
2" depth
Comes with metal stand
One of a kind